
Les frères d’Iraq the Model ont formé leur parti politique, et se présentent aux élections en janvier. Bien sûr, la démocratie en Iraq c’est pas de tout repos, mais les élections auront bien lieu comme prévu.

A lire aussi, les remarques d’Omar sur les diplomates français:

One group of foreigners really caught my attention by ignoring all the dangers and moving in the streets of Baghdad showing their identity so clearly.

One might think that this group of people did so because they are very bold but actually I don’t think this is true for this case. Why? Because simply they were French.
Yesterday, I saw a single car with the words « FRENCH EMBASSY » written in Arabic on the windshield moving in Karrada crowded neighborhood in broad daylight. They didn’t seem to be in a hurry and were driving slowly unlike other foreigners who try to drive as fast as possible to avoid being tracked and chased.

It seems that the French are not afraid of the terrorists. Were they excluded from the terrorists’ targets list for some reason? Is there a peace truce between them? Did we miss something here? Because the French are moving freely and saying for the terrorists:
« Hey, it’s us, so don’t mistake us for your enemies, the other foreigners! And we are not just ordinary French. We are the French government! And we are certainly not doing something good for Iraq, so relax! »
This may explain why no one is anymore worried about the two French journalists; they’re in friendly hands!

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